
Suffice it to say, there is a great deal of variability in the nutritional data for rambutan and it may be due to a variety of factors not limited to but including some of the following: measuring techniques, climatic conditions altering the values of individual nutrient levels, cultural factors such as amount and type of fertilizer, water availability, humidity, stage of ripeness, specific cultivar, soil types, pH and so on. Generally speaking, there is, per 100gm of fruit, as little as 20mg (according to some sources) and as much as 70mg of vitamin C. There are also significant amounts of potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. The relatively high levels of sugars and acids produces the rich flavor that appeals to a wide range of tastes. And then there is the aroma that, in a very fresh fruit, can be almost like a floral perfume. There is much about this fruit that makes it not just striking to look at but also quite an experience to consume.


There are several sources for information on the nutrient content of rambutan, in addition to my own Nutrition page. For example, the FAO publishes a series of books, one of which is;

Rambutan Cultivation; #121, FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper. Rome, 1994.


Another very extensive resource is the publication of an organization known as PROSEA (Plant Resources of South-East Asia). The 1992 edition of "Edible Fruits and Nuts," #2 in the series, has nutritional information about rambutan and hundreds of other species. The editors are E.W.M. Verheij and R.E. Coronel.


The Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, MARDI, has been doing research for years on rambutan.


There is also the excellent reference, "Fruits of Warm Climates" by Julia F. Morton available online at http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/index.html


And then there is the California Rare Fruit Growers, an excellent site at http://crfg.org/ This web site has numerous links, a great magazine, and many references to the fruit in question, the rambutan.



Francis Zee of the National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Hilo, HI authored this page. This is as good as it gets for cultural information and more.


E. H. Erickson and A. H. The Carl Hayden Research Center dedicated to the bee transportation and nutrition, pollination, disease control, etc.

A wonderful and vast resource with links to just about everything!



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